Welcome to BNI West & South-Central Texas

Check out the FREE video, Get More Customers. Just click on the button below and learn how to attract customers without spending a fortune on advertising!

As a Small Business Owner, you know the importance of networking; you’ve heard all the stories of how people achieve great things through chance encounters with people that they meet, and you want to learn how to set yourself up to reap those benefits too. Building the right relationships is key to both personal growth and running a successful business and the importance of surrounding yourself with people who share a similar drive and ambition cannot be overstated!

A business may have innovative products, excellent customer service, and a massive advertising budget, but it's always people that are at the core of a business's success. 

Business owners, Entrepreneurs, Realtors and Insurance Agents are finding that an engaged network is more effective for generating new customers than traditional tactics. A network is a place where you can share your unique philosophy and mission. It provides you with a crucial differentiation from the competition. 

With your network, you share yourself and your values in a way you wouldn't normally in other areas of business. By doing this, you create a deeper connection which builds trust and increases referrals.

The depth and breadth of your network will determine your level of success. 

For this reason, every business needs to be proactive in building and maintaining business relationships and have systems in place for leveraging this precious resource. 

Why take a chance on referrals just happening naturally? 

Networking is an investment in your business. It takes time and when done correctly can yield great results for years to come. - Diane Helbig

Why BNI?

Our Mission

BNI's mission is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive, and professional referral marketing program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals.

BNI's Philosophy

BNI's philosophy is built upon the idea of "Givers Gain". BNI offers members the opportunity to share ideas, contacts, networks and most importantly, business referrals. Being a member of BNI is like having sales people working for you every day who market your product or service.

First Time Visitors

The best way to learn more about BNI is to visit a chapter. You'll see how our members are passing $millions in referral business each year. Use the buttons below to find our existing and forming chapters.

And it Works...

We are the world's leading business referral organization with over 318,000 Members in over 10,940 BNI Chapters worldwide. In 2023 alone, BNI Members shared over 15.1 million valuable new client referrals and generated over $23.4B (USD) in revenue. Member referrals have injected billions of dollars of business into the US economy!


Wherever you are in West & South-Central Texas, we can help you grow your business!

(Amarillo, Lubbock, Wichita Falls, Canyon, Pampa, Plainview, Abilene, Midland, Odessa, San Angelo, Stephenville, Brownwood, Corpus Christi, Laredo, Victoria)

Picture of a business meeting

Get Referrals

We aren’t the only ones that understand the importance of referral business:

“Referred-in customers have a 37% higher retention rate than other customers.” Source: Deloitte

“The Lifetime Value of a referred customer is 25% higher than that of other customers.” Source: Chief Marketer

Build Relationships

Why building a trusted “go-to” referral network can build your business.

“70% of U.S. consumers say they trust brand and product recommendations from friends and family.”

Source: Forester Research, “How To Build Your Brand with Branded Content”

Enhance Skills

Lifelong Learning has been one of our core values for more than 30 years.

We know how important both personal and professional growth are to our Members. Because of this, we provide our Members with the opportunity and resources to enhance their business and networking skills.


Have Questions?

Fill out the form below to and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Or click on one of the buttons below to find out about our BNI Chapters


Our Goal is to help our local businesses make more money!

BNI is not only the world's largest business networking and referral marketing organization, but its culture, which is built upon the philosophy of Givers Gain®, is unique. This is a culture of caring about giving business, professional development and building consistent, proactive and reciprocal business relationships.

BNI helps its members with opportunities to:

BY THE NUMBERS - BNI Statistics World Wide

Benefits of BNI

There are numerous benefits to joining BNI, including:

  • Increase Business Prospects: You'll substantially increase your business through referrals.
  • Professional Development: You'll have access to our exclusive training programs and opportunities to sharpen your presentation and business skills.
  • Great Networking Opportunities: Your participation in up to 52 networking meetings per year will increase your exposure to many other business professionals in your community.
  • Exclusive Member Resources: You'll have access to a range of tools and educational materials on networking, public speaking and business best-practices.



Our Core Values

BNI is built on a set of guiding principles which form the foundation on which Members interact, conduct themselves and fulfill their goals. At BNI, we're Changing the Way the World Does Business®.

Check out the videos from our Founder, Dr. Ivan Misner where he talks about our core values.


Givers Gain®

Givers Gain®

Be willing to give first, before you expect to gain. Giving unconditionally creates a better world for everyone and creates important opportunities and lasting relationships.


Traditions + Innovation

Traditions + Innovation

We honor our traditions and look to a brighter future fueled by innovation, optimism, and excitement.



Building Relationships

Building Relationships

Building strong relationships creates an environment of trust and support that yields happiness, opportunity and meaning.


Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning

Your value grows as you develop your knowledge and skills. Create a curriculum based on the person you want to become and follow that curriculum to get yourself there.




We keep the promises we make, especially when it is hard to do so. This creates trust and supports strong relationships.


Positive Attitude

Positive Attitude

We find the good in everything that happens to us, and that propels our lives forward. Finding the good in every person enables us to attract terrific people, opportunities, and wealth.




We appreciate that recognition fuels the growth of successful organizations. The person who masters the art of recognition attracts success, meaning, and happiness.

Visit a Chapter

Experience our proven referral system in action.
People just like you, working together and helping each other to get more customers.

Click Here to Find a Chapter 


Not finding what you're looking for? Fill in the form below to send me your details and I'll be in touch very soon.


Steve Black, Executive Director

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